Sei arrivato, FRC All Music Il sito web più incentrato sugli artisti su Internet! | login
  • What information is available to the public?

    As user you can decide what information is public, or visible to your friends or only visible to yourself.

    Open your profile settings and select who can see your profile information

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    As you can see you are in control who can see your profile information. A FRC All Music profile may contain: a profile photo, a display name, uploaded tracks, playlists (i.e. a collection of tracks, organized by the user) etc.

    Additionally, a user has the option to include their “real name”, location, URLs and a short description about their account in their “bio” section, just underneath their profile image. You do not need a FRC All Music account in order to view information or content which is posted publicly.

  • What information is non-public?

    Information not publicly visible, relating to registered users on our platform may include, but is not limited to:

    Email address(es) associated with the account
    Sign up and last seen at IP address

  • Who can Request Information From FRC All Music

    We believe in respecting both our users’ rights and the laws which govern our company’s operations. When it comes to processing information requests related to our users, we follow the below principles.


    We will comply with valid requests for user information received from West Australian law enforcement, in accordance with the terms outlined in this guide and the applicable legal process.


    We require that all requests be related to specific accounts, implicated in specific investigations undertaken by law enforcement. We reserve the right to reject requests which are overly broad or which lack details regarding the relationship between the requested information and how it relates to an ongoing investigation.

    User notice

    We respect our users’ rights and privacy. Our policy is to notify users when we disclose their information in all cases, unless we are expressly requested to not disclose by the competent authority. Our notice to users will be in writing and will include a copy of the original document(s) requesting their information. Additionally, if the request relates to a user who is in violation of our Terms of Use, we reserve the right to prevent further abuse of our services, including notifying the user regarding their misconduct.

    In exceptional circumstances, we may elect to not provide user notice e.g. in the case of an emergency disclosure request.

    How to submit your request

    Your request must be made on law enforcement letterhead, signed by the requesting agent. This can be sent via email, fax or post. Our contact details are provided at our Website. Please note that we will not review or respond to any requests from non-law enforcement officials or non-valid email addresses.

    All requests for user information must include the following:

    • Requesting agency and law enforcement agent name
    • The profile URL of the FRC All Music account in question (e.g.
    • Details about the specific information being requested. Please ensure that the information you require is not available on the public profile of the specified account
    • Legal grounds for data disclosure request
    • The reason for your investigations and details about how the requested data relates to your investigation
    • An official, agency-issued email address (e.g. so that we can verify your identity and get back in touch with you

    Production of records

    Unless otherwise requested, we will provide records in electronic format (i.e. PDF files), which can be opened with the majority of word processing software.

    Emergency disclosure requests

    In line with our Privacy Policy, we may disclose user information in response to a valid emergency disclosure request. If your request relates to an investigation involving the imminent danger of death or serious harm to a person, that we may have information to prevent, law enforcement agencies can submit an emergency disclosure request. International law enforcement authorities may submit requests for emergency disclosure.

    How to submit an emergency disclosure request?

    You must submit an emergency request via email, with the subject line EMERGENCY DISCLOSURE REQUEST. These requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and must include all of the following:

    • Identity of the individual in imminent danger
    • Nature of the emergency
    • FRC All Music profile URL(s) of the account(s) containing information which may prevent the emergency
    • Details of the specific information requested and how it may prevent the emergency
    • Link(s) to any content which may provide further details or context to support your request

    FRC All Music users aware of an emergency situation should contact local law enforcement officials for assistance.

    Assisting an FRC All Music user

    If you are assisting an FRC All Music user with an investigation, and need to obtain a copy of their non-public FRC All Music account information, please ask the user to contact us directly. We can then assist the individual with obtaining the required information.

  • Why do I have to agree to the Terms of Service?

    A Terms and Conditions agreement is also known as a Terms of Service or a Terms of Use agreement:

    A Terms of Service Agreement is a set of regulations which users must agree to follow in order to use a service. Terms of Use is often named Terms of Service, Terms and Conditions, or Disclaimer when addressing website usage.

    The Terms of Service sets the rules that users must agree to in order to use FRC All Music.

    The Reasons why we ask you to agree to the FRC All Music Terms of Service:

    Reason #1: Prevent Abuses

    If you get abused you can notify us and we have the legal framework in place, to ban or cancel the abusers account.

    Abuse can include spamming other users, posting defamatory content or using foul language.

    Reason #2: Our Content

    As the website owner, FRC All Music LLC owns the logo, content (except for user-generated content, and the design of the website.

    The Terms of Services and other legal disclaimers informs our members, the content is protected by international copyright laws, the copyright laws also protect user contributed contend.

    Reason #3: Termination of Accounts

    As Reason #1: Prevent Abuses suggested that we can temporarily ban users, or delete their accounts

    This clause informs users that abusive accounts will be terminated and banned from using the service. Therefore, a user must register before using and/or accessing certain sections of the website), as we can disable or ban the abusive users based on the activity of their accounts.

    Reason #4: Limit Liability

    The Terms of Service agreement includes a warranty disclaimer that tries to limit the FRC All Music's liability in cases where errors are found in the content presented on the website.

    This clause notifies users that FRC All Music can’t be held responsible for any errors in the content presented, or for the information provided being accurate, complete, or suitable for any purpose.

    Reason #5: Set The Governing Law

    The Terms of Service agreement refers to the jurisdiction that applies to the terms presented in the agreement.