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CARL EMROY & Silvia Heroldt - Dezembernacht

Posted By ADair-Records, 2018-11-30
CARL EMROY & Silvia Heroldt - Dezembernacht

CARL EMROY & Silvia Heroldt - Dezembernacht

Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und da war es Carl Emroy aus USA ein Bedürfnis, seinen Fans in den verschiedenen Ländern etwas ganz besonderes mit auf den Gabentisch zu legen. Ein Duett mit der außergewöhnlichen Stimme von Silvia Heroldt aus Berlin. Silvia Heroldt ist eine Größe in der Musikszene und beide Stimmen harmonieren wie es besser kaum sein kann. Der Titel „Dezembernacht“ wurde komplett neu produziert und auf Beide zurechtgeschnitten. Carl Emroy und Silvia Heroldt „ Dezembernacht“ „Dezembernacht“ - als Duett – außergewöhnlich – wildromantisch.

Offizielle VÖ am 30.11.2018 Daten:

1. Dezembernacht 03:27:00 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00285


K./T.: Römer, Eugen ;

T.: Hammerschmidt Norbert

V.: Hanseatic Musikverlag GmbH

All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this records prohibited.

Mixed & Mastered by Studio ADair-records Alex De.

P + © 2018 ADair-records Studio Alex De.

Distributed ADair Records (ADair Music Group) (Download)

Layout/Druck/Design: © 2018 ADair Records Y. Dondorf Foto:


Bestell.Nr.:ADair1118 CESH

Label Code: ADair Records

LC 24553

Min Gesamt: 00:03:27

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Duo TaPee' - Merry Christmas Songs

Posted By ADair-Records, 2018-11-19
Duo TaPee' - Merry Christmas Songs

Duo TaPee' – Merry Christmas Songs

Ein paar Tage im Jahr hört man Weihnachtslieder. Wenn man sie hört, überkommt Einen eine wehmütige Ahnung vom eigentlichen Gedanken und der Kraft des Weihnachtsfestes.
Tanny und Peer Wagener, ein Jahrzehnt gute Freunde und auch beide Solokünstler im Schlagerbereich, fanden sich im Oktober 2017 zusammen und gründeten ihr '' Duo TaPee' ''. Die beiden Powermusiker und Entertainer sind als Duo sehr erfolgreich in der Tanz und Stimmungsmusik unterwegs und konnten sich ganz schnell bei Zuhörern und Zuschauern einen positiven Eindruck verschaffen. Buchbar für alle Events, wo Schlager, Deutsch Pop, Kultsongs bis neue Deutsche Welle gern gehört werden.
Nun bringt 2018 Duo TaPee' ihr erstes Weihnachtsalbum auf den Markt. 2 Stimmen in Harmonie und Rhythmen bekannter Weihnachtssongs verleihen diesem Album eine ganz besondere Note.
Diese Titel werden sie berühren, gehen ins Ohr, bleiben im Herzen und Erinnerung.
Schon lange arbeitet Tanny mit der Plattenfirma und Label ADair Records zusammen und nunmehr wird ADair Records dieses sensationelle Weihnachtsalbum veröffentlichen.
Das Download Album wird ab der Adventszeit 2018 auf allen gängigen Plattformen erhältlich sein . (Quelle: Adair Records)

Offizielle VÖ am 19.11.2018


1. White Christmas 03:48 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00270
2. Santa Claus ist Coming to Town 02:21 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00264
3. Leise rieselt der Schnee 02:53 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00267
4. Jingle Bells (Jazzversion) 02:20 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00266
5. Feliz Navidad 02:26 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00268
6. Winterwonderland 02:54 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00269
7. Süßer die Glocken nie klingen 03:14 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00271
8. Weihnachten bei uns daheim (Solo Tanny) 03:24 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00272
9. Last Christmas (Solo Peer) 03:47 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00273


1. K./T.: Berlin, Irving;V.: Berlin-Irving-Music Co

2. K.: Coots, J Fred; T.: Gillespie, Haven; V.: EMI Feist Catalog INC

3. Buchholz (BRD1), Thomas; Ebels, Eduard; V.: Verlag Neue Musik GmbH

4. K./T.: Pierpont, James Lord; V.: Copyright Control Shares; CRC Jianian Cultural DEvelopment Co., Limited

5. K./T.: Feliciano, Jose; V.: J-H Publishing Company

6. K.: Bernard, Felix;T.: Smith (NON Protected Shares), Richard B Dick; V.: Bregam-Vocco Conn INC

7. K.: DP; T.: Friedrich Wilhelm, Kritzinger; V.: Choris Mundi, Edition, INH. Nico Nebe

8. K.: Hannes Marold; T.: Willi Ohler

9. K./T.: George, Michael; V.: WHAM Music Limited

Mixed by Studio Peer Wagener Mastered by ADair-records Studio Alex De.

(P) Studio Peer Wagener

© 2018 ADair-records Studio Alex De.

Distributed ADair Records (ADair Music Group)

Layout/Druck/Design: © 2018 ADair Records Y. Dondorf

Foto: ADair Records


Bestell.Nr.: ADair 1118DTP

Label:ADair Records

LC 24553

Spieldauer: 00:27:11

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Harmony - Es schneit (Neuaufnahme 2018)

Posted By Lyx-Records, 2018-11-16
Harmony - Es schneit (Neuaufnahme 2018)

Harmony-Es schneit

Das Duo Harmony sagt selbst: ,,Es schneit,, hat uns der Film – Polarexpress – im pulsiert. In unserer Kindheit haben wir uns in der Weihnachtszeit über dicke Schneeflocken gefreut. Diese Jahreszeit war für uns wie ein Zauber – geheimnisvoll und wunderbar.
In uns Beiden kam Freude auf, wenn Wir dann einen Schneemann bauen konnten. Während wir sehnsüchtig auf unsere Großeltern warteten, atmeten wir den Duft der frisch gebackenen Plätzchen ein.
Als wir Abends am Fenster saßen und nach draußen blickten sahen wir das alle Tiere in unserem Wald Schutz suchten.
Besonders fasziniert waren wir von dem Lichterglanz und dem bunt geschmückten Weihnachtsbaum

Offizielle VÖ am 16.11.2018


1. Es schneit 04:20 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00265


Komponist: Andreas Hohage

Texter: Andreas Hohage

Mixed & Mastered by Harmony Studio

( P) 2018 Studio Harmony

(C) 2018 ADair-records Studio Alex De.

Distributed Adair Records (ADair Music Group)

Layout/Druck/Design: © 2018 ADair Records Y. Dondorf

Foto: ADair Records

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FRIENDS OF MUSIC – Romantic Christmas

Posted By ADair-Records, 2018-11-15
FRIENDS OF MUSIC – Romantic Christmas

FRIENDS OF MUSIC – Romantic Christmas

Friends of Msuic – die kreativen Köpfe und Stamm Musiker dieser Formation sind Thomas Rittmeyer, Dr. Peter Wagner und Mario Koth.
Mit ihrem ersten Song, „Romantic Christmas-X-mas Song 2018“ der im November diesen Jahres bei ADair Records erscheint, haben sich die Drei Musiker den lang ersehnten Traum erfüllt, ein eigenes Lied für die Weihanachtszeit zu produzieren.

Offizielle VÖ am 15.11.2018


1. Romantic Chrsitmas 03:48 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00263


K./T.: Thomas Rittmeyer; Mario Koth; Dr. med. dent. Peter Wagner

Mixed by ADair Records Studio Alex De.

Mastered by ADair-records Studio Alex De.

(P) Studio Friends of Music Berlin

© 2018 ADair-records Studio Alex De.

Distributed ADair Records (ADair Music Group)

Layout/Druck/Design: © 2018 ADair Records Y. Dondorf

Foto: ADair Records

EAN: 4260574531003

Bestell.Nr.: ADair 1118 FoM

Label Code: ADair Records

LC 24553

Min Gesamt: 3:48

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MIKE NORTH – Gib nicht auf

Posted By ROCkair-Records, 2018-11-13
MIKE NORTH – Gib nicht auf

MIKE NORTH – Gib nicht auf

Ist ein Titel das man oft vor einem Problem steht und man darüber nachdenkt aufzugeben. Mike North ist ein sehr gläubischer Mensch und die Gebete haben ihm verholfen nicht auf zu geben... Seine eigenen Worte: Ich habe oft vor Mauern gestand aber aufgeben kam oft nach vielen Niederlagen nicht in Frage. Ich bin ein Kämpfer auch wenn es seelisch mir oft nicht gut geht aber ich glaube an das Leben, glaube fest daran, das sich immer alles zum „Guten“ wendet.

Offizielle VÖ am 13.11.2018


1. Gib nicht auf 04:35 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00262

Daten: 1. K./T.: Maik RatajczykMixed by Iburinga-Music

Mastered by ADair-records Studio

(P) Studio Iburinga-Music

© 2018 ADair-records Studio Alex De.

Distributed ADair Records (ADair Music Group)


Layout/Druck/Design: © 2018 ADair Records Y. Dondorf

Foto: ADair Records

EAN: 4260574530990

Bestell.Nr.: ADair 1118 MN

Label:ROCKair Records

LC 55297

Spieldauer 00:04:35

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René Bluhm – Weihnachten miteinander

Posted By Lyx-Records, 2018-11-13
René Bluhm – Weihnachten miteinander

René Bluhm – Weihnachten miteinander Als die Idee auf kam einen Weihnachtstitel aufzunehmen war für René Bluhm klar, dass es ,,Weihnachten miteinander,, ist.
In der heutigen oft hektischen und stressigen Zeit sollten wir uns darauf besinnen was Weihnachten wirklich ist. Eben Weihnachten miteinander. Auch an jene zu denken, denen es nicht so gut geht und das Gefühl von Weihnachten miteinander kennen.
René eigene Worte: ,,Für mich persönlich die schönste und eine sehr spezielle Zeit im Jahr. Da sind es nicht die Päckchen und Pakete die zählen, sondern die Zeit die man mit der Familie verbringen kann. Den niemand weiß wie viel davon noch jedem bleibt.!“
Dieses Gefühl möchte er einfach mit diesem Song zum Ausdruck bringen. Ein Dankeschön an alle Freunde und Fans für ein Weihnachten miteinander.

Offizielle VÖ am 09.11.2018


1. Weihnachten miteinander 03:47:00 ISRC: DE-WQ6-18-00261


K./T.: Rudolf Müssig
Mixed & Mastered by Harmony Studio

(P) + (C) 2018 ADair-records Studio Alex De.

Distributed Adair Records (ADair Music Group)

Layout/Druck/Design: © 2018 ADair Records Y. Dondorf

Foto: ADair Records

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Friends of Music Song Playlist

Posted By ADair-Records, 2018-11-12

Listen to all songs from Friends of Music.

Posted in: Playliste | 0 comments

Collecting Vinyl Records- A Passion For Sound

Posted By FRC All Music Admin, 2018-11-08
Collecting Vinyl Records- A Passion For Sound

vinyl Records2.jpg  As CD sales sour, the music market is evolving in a strange method. Music fans' are turning their attention to the past, reverting back to vinyl records. For some it is a satisfying hobby, regaining a part of their youth. For others, collecting vinyl records is a passion, as they search the online web websites, record conventions, garage and rummage sales and small resale stores to protect their favorite records and include to their gathering collage of vinyl.

If you were to ask them why records are so enticing most will inform you it is the sound of vinyl that is the most satisfying. They might be tired of the sterilized music reproduction of a cd or digitized download. You will hear the term, "vinyl just has a warmer noise" or that they enjoy the experience, an almost ceremonial pattern that is associated with playing a vinyl record. I think the best method to explain the noise that vinyl exudes is an example I like to use. Alternatively, digital sound is like a copy of that "finger print" and something is lost when the music is compressed into 1's and 0's, or what I refer to as "binary sound."

Now, this phenomenon might be satisfying to some and the CD certainly has its place as a musical format. In our discard society, CD's deal convenience and a technique to play music that the vinyl record can not provide. But "binary sound," to me, is simply too clear- you are missing out on essential components of the taped noise, sounds that the artist who tape-recorded the music desired you to hear.

In our digitized world there are compelling arguments for whatever sound recreation format a person chooses. However you will never take the vinyl enthusiast out of me. If you were to ask them why records are so appealing most will inform you it is the sound of vinyl that is the most satisfying. You will hear the term, "vinyl just has a warmer noise" or that they like the experience, a practically ceremonial pattern that is involved in playing a vinyl record. "binary sound," to me, is simply too clear- you are missing important elements of the tape-recorded noise, sounds that the artist who taped the music desired you to hear.

Looking for Rare Vinyl Records?

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A Comparison Of Disc Music Boxes And Cylinder Music Boxes

Posted By FRC All Music Admin, 2018-11-03
A Comparison Of Disc Music Boxes And Cylinder Music Boxes

cylinder Music box.png Cylinder music boxes were when a way of providing live music without entertainers. The music produced resembled an ensemble of harpists or bell choir. It was not without its constraints, however. Back in those days, a music box came with some specific sounds, and those were the noises you needed to listen. So, in order to supply some brand-new tunes and improve the music quality of these music boxes, a moving cylinder was created.

There were two sets of pins on the cylinders. As one of the sets of pins on the cylinder sounded the resonating "teeth" of the "comb" the other sets of pins passed quietly in between the teeth. When the tune was over, the cylinder would turn over, making the next set of pins to line up with the "teeth". What was the result of these actions? Well, on some music boxes, you could even get 12 various sounds. After a few years, a brand-new kind of cylinder was created: the interchangeable cylinder. These interchangeable cylinder music boxes had the great advantage of being replaced, with a new cylinder with new tunes.

These cylinders were typically made from strong products, like metal and powered by a spring. In a few of the last designs, the cylinders could be eliminated to alter melodies, thanks to an invention in 1862, and in some exceptional designs, there were 4 springs, to provide continuous play for up to 3 hours. Due to the fact that individuals weren't pleased by the performances of these cylinder music boxes, as brand-new devices appeared, the constraints of the cylinder led to the development of Symphonion disc music box. The disc music boxes were then capable of playing 24 or 27 inch discs.

The music boxes were specially developed to play separate song discs, and this method with simply one music box you might listen for numerous plays. The majority of today do not turn to music boxes for their routine music repair due to the fact that of improving science and innovation. Individuals acquire music boxes today not to replace their mp3 players and Ipods. It is a method of delighting in music of the other day and relish in the appeal and art of the days passed by. Yet, for those who are fans, old clocks and watches with little musical pieces are extremely suggested. Old wood disc or cylinder music boxes are ending up being a rarity nowadays, and can be thought about valuable antiques. Simply go to a museum and see some designs. From time to time, you can even see them offered online.

The music and the craftsmanship of these amazing music boxes will leave you with the yearning to buy one afterwards. Cylinder music boxes were once a method of providing live music without performers. In order to offer some new tunes and improve the music quality of these music boxes, a moving cylinder was created. Since people weren't satisfied by the efficiencies of these cylinder music boxes, as new gadgets appeared, the limitations of the cylinder led to the advancement of Symphonion disc music box. The music boxes were specifically designed to play different song discs, and this method with just one music box you could listen for numerous plays. Because of enhancing science and technology, the majority of today do not turn to music boxes for their routine music fix.

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Audience's Perception Of a Tune

Posted By FRC All Music Admin, 2018-11-03
Audience's Perception Of a Tune

Any songwriter knows that a tune will not make it without having well-written music and completely crafted lyrics. The interaction between music and lyrics in a song positions two questions. The very first is which is more important and the second is which need to be composed first. Nevertheless, the 2nd concern is not truly an issue; as it is just a matter of individual choice and practice.

The concern that actually needs answering remains in truth the first: "Which is more crucial?!". To answer this question, we need to analyze the audience understanding of songs. Songs are composed for people to hear them; for that reason the method they relate to songs is most important and relevant to the songwriting process. An excellent songwriter must take a look at his/her audience in advance and, consequently, form the tune to be as easily developed as possible by its desired audience.

As I come from western music by education (classical music) and to oriental music by birth (being from Egypt), I have actually taken a look at -as deeply as I might- the understanding of songs by both Arabic listeners and European listeners. My conclusion is that those two different cultures produced really differently biased people. The Arabic culture and legacy is based greatly on poetry while music stayed minor.

Consequently, for Arabic listeners the lyrics precede and music is decreased to a melodic vehicle for the lyrics with the least quantity of plan possible. Lyrics come first for Arabic listeners! On the other hand, Europe's music heritage is huge with a great deal of genius composers who will always be remembered. At the exact same time, Europe's terrific poets utilized the kind of language that today needs a great deal of simplification to understand.

The music reaches the European listener before the lyrics! Does this mean that one can write "bad" lyrics for European listeners and get away with it ?! Of course NOT!! They eventually catch up. Arabic listeners will not listen to a song with bad music. The concept is that if your audiences care less for lyrics, then they would not "value" a complex lyric. In fact, they wouldn't comprehend it and will identify it as "bad". It has to be "great" but not "complicated". It's everything about intricacy. Arabic listeners will settle with a nice melody that fits the lyrics well. It has to be nice, however it CAN'T be complicated!!

My mother thinks that Dvorak's "New World Symphony" is "louder" than music should be. I believe she meant to state: "too complicated for music". Alternatively, European listeners will not go for a great tune, you have to have strong chord developments, a powerful base line and a strong drum line. I compose more complicated lyrics for Arabic listeners and more complex music for European listeners. Study YOUR OWN audiences and see what they like and to which side they are biased, so you understand the best ways to change your song's intricacy. Beware; often "less complicated" means "more hard to compose" ... Wish you easy songwriting!! Any songwriter understands that a tune will not make it without having well-written music and completely crafted lyrics.

The interaction between music and lyrics in a song presents 2 concerns. For Arabic listeners the lyrics come first and music is reduced to a melodic car for the lyrics with the least quantity of arrangement possible. Arabic listeners will not listen to a song with bad music. I write more complicated lyrics for Arabic listeners and more complex music for European listeners.

Courtesy of one of our arabic speaking Members

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