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My Special Dream

My Special Dream

album : Unknown

performing artist : Benny "Meatball" Bartek

genre: Country

song language: English
composer: Benny Bartek
lyricist: Benny Bartek
label: Not Provided
mastering by: Not Defined
arrangement by: Not Provided
upload or release date:
upload your song: mp3, 2.4MB, 00:02:34

Total Times Played: 182

Song Rating:
Total Times Rated: 4 Average Rating: 4.25

Lyric Rating:
Total Times Rated: Average Rating:

Composition Rating:
Total Times Rated: Average Rating:

Hit Potential Rating:
Total Times Rated: Average Rating:

Story about the Song:

Not Provided


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Benny "Meatball" Bartek
About Benny "Meatball" Bartek

Independent Entertainment Professional

Cooper High (Abilene), Angelo State (San Angelo), TSTC (Abilene) - All in Texas!

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