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In the digital world, sometimes it happens like in the physical world, unfortunately there are abductions and ransomware is a digital abduction whose purpose is economic or ip location lookup . In the IT world, ransomware has become a data hijacking attack because it attacks mainly and basically our computer, encrypts all the information and demands a certain amount of money for its recovery, it's that simple.

The etymological origin of the name "Ransomware" comes from the combination of two words:

- Ransomware
- Ware (Software)

This attack, also known by other names such as rogueware or scareware, has been affecting companies and individual computers since 2005. Logically, this evil has been evolving and new types of attacks and new versions have appeared that have found weaknesses in computer systems.

Recommendations to protect against Ransomware malware

Knowing that ransomware's attack on computers is having a lot of force in the last years and any user and company can be a victim of its attacks the best we can do is prevent it. But what can we do? The first option and best alternative is to back up the system. Here is the procedure:

Backing up the system

We can tell you that it is the most important thing to be done both in organizations and on a personal level. Having a backup saves us from problems not only from malware, viruses and attacks, but also protects us from physical hardware errors that can occur on disks, computers, servers etc. So backup is necessary and vital.

It is a solution to be implemented continuously and if possible on external disks and drives, or you have the option (at a personal level) to do it in locations such as the cloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc, but what we recommend most are external servers or disks as this way we will always have the availability and integrity of the files.

It is important to know that the attack of this malware also attacks and encrypts the drives you have connected at that time, including those in the cloud, for this reason, it is important to disconnect that connection and not always have it connected if you are not using it.

That is to say, not always having the hard drives or USB connected to the computer.

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