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All Time Artist Song Plays 

Scheduled Gigs/Events Margarita Semenova/Margo

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Linked Youtube Videos with Music Performed by

M@rgo feat. Mode One   Memories of summer (Eurodisco version)

M@rgo feat. Mode One Memories of summer (Eurodisco version)

youtube category: Music
Duration: 00:04:31
M@rgO - Улетаю в ночь (Видеоанонс)

M@rgO - Улетаю в ночь (Видеоанонс)

youtube category: Music
Duration: 00:01:15
M@rgO - Luxury Girl (videoanouncement)

M@rgO - Luxury Girl (videoanouncement)

youtube category: Music
Duration: 00:01:07
   / 5  

No Vimeo Videos linked

Margarita Semenova/Margo
About Margarita Semenova/Margo

M@rgO is author, composer and professional musician (by the piano class), writersongs for her solo project and also for another artists,co working with her. Also she the author and producer of music programs on the Saturn FM radio news portal. With her participation there were broadcasts, where the special guests were the Stars of the old and new generation of disco: Lian Ross, Mode One, Kristian Conde, ТIziana Revale, Lenroy, Tam Harrow, Gina T, Patty Ryan, Frank Lozano, D.White, Digitalo, Elen Cora, Peter Wilson, Ryan Paris, Mauro, Kristina Monzano, Linda Jo Rizzo, "Eurotix", "Italove", as well as the legendary groups: "Baccara", "Arabesque", "Dschingizhaan", golden voices "Modern Talking" - " Systems in Blue "and many, many others.

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