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FRC All Music Profiles Associated with: Record Union

Buerger 7

Buerger 7

I was born in Hermannstadt, … so to say, in the City of Hermann. With magic people, a wonderful place full of inspiration. I was given a wonderful name and step by step I came to love life and to realize it. And to challenge it. This way of life...
In Memory of Don Williams

In Memory of Don Williams

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Country Music world mourns the loss of one of its most distinctive song stylists with the passing of Don Williams after a short illness. He was 78. A native of Floydada, Texas, Williams was born May 27, 1939. He grew...
Klavier Lernen

Klavier Lernen

Katrin Kayser , Jahrgang 1965, ist Musikerin, Autorin und Klavierlehrerin. Sie unterrichtet seit vielen Jahren das freie Klavierspiel in ihrer eigenen Playpiano Klavierschule und online. Und sie ist Autorin von Büchern und zahlreichen...
Dog Music

Dog Music

Are you or your neighbours affected by barking whining , crying or destructive behaviour from your dog, you need to read this. The only method to cure separation anxiety long term with no health risks is behaviour modification, and we provide...


The FRC All Music Store is the choice for customers looking for musical instruments and music gear and accessories. Our range includes acoustic guitars, amplifiers,Keyboards and accessories for your recording studio like Microphones, Stands and...
Air Supply

Air Supply

Air Supply are an Australian soft rock duo, consisting of singer-songwriter and guitarist Graham Russell and lead vocalist Russell Hitchcock. They had a succession of hits worldwide, including eight Top Ten hits in the United States, in the early...
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Record Union
Chi siamo Record Union

Passionate about music

We spend our office time thinking about what the present and future of the music industry should look like. Many of us are musicians, songwriters and producers and dedicate our spare time to making and performing music.
Actually, even some of our office time is consumed by music making, we have a recording studio in our office and it’s occupied by artists and employees on a regular basis.

We are 21 people from eight different nationalities working from our offices in Stockholm, Sweden and New York City, USA.

Liberating music since 2008

With a passion for music and digital business, a big portion of naivety and inspired by the “long tail” concept, the idea of Record Union – to democratize the whole music industry – was born.

In 2008, the aftermath of the digital revolution left many traditional industries fighting for survival. The music industry in particular took a big hit – how can you charge $20 for a CD when everyone is able to download pirated mp3s at the click of a button?

With the vision to shift the power from the industry to the fans, the banner “Liberating music” became our call for arms. With no content on the platform, Record Union managed to close deals with top music services like Spotify, iTunes and Amazon MP3.

The impossible suddenly became possible and the journey towards democratizing the music industry had begun.

Reach out to millions of listeners

With our distribution platform you’ll get your music to all major players like Spotify, iTunes, TIDAL and more. And we keep adding more continually. 

Interested? contact FRC All MUSIC and After FRC All Music has vetted you, you will receive an email invite to Distribute your Music with Record Union at FRC All Music Rates. 

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PLEASE use the subject heading RECORD UNION

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