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Rhein Donau Club Heimat Choir
Chi siamo Rhein Donau Club Heimat Choir

As we are celebrating the 35th Anniversary of our Heimat Choir, it is only proper to look back and record some of the history. I went back through the Choir documents for the past 35 years; it will not be easy to tell in a short talk of the many important periods of our existence. As with any group of people the Choir's history consists of diver's personalities which have shaped the destiny of our Heimat Choir.
We can read in the New Homeland, February edition 1975 in the Secretary's report: "Attention to all singers or those who think they can sing: the foundation meeting of a Rhein Donau Club mixed Choir has been arranged for Thursday, 6th February, 1975 at 8pm at the Club. Every Member is cordially invited to attend. Signed, David Zeller."
According to the minutes taken on the day, 34 members attended the meeting and the Choir was officially formed. Konrad Hopfmüller was elected as the first group leader and Georg Berlach as our choirmaster. Tuesday, the 11th was suggested for the next meeting and everyone present would be tested by George to see if he or she was suitable for the Choir.
At the next A.G.M. Gustav Jerke was elected as the second Group Leader, as Konrad went for a 6 months' trip to Germany. Due to ill health 18 months later, Konrad was once again elected group leader until his resignation after some problems in the Committee. As Club-Secretary, I was unable to be elected as group leader at the time, so I stepped into the acting position, until a new group leader could be found.
After some unrest in the Choir, mainly about the number of performances and disagreements about the selection of songs a new committee was elected. Group Leader and served the choir from the end of March 1979 until mid-April 1983.
The trip cost us $ 9,000.00, the Choir paid out of the kitty $ 3,000.00 towards it. For our first Sängerfest attendance, a banner was produced designed by Georg and donated to the choir by Helmut Watzek and David and Rita Zeller.

As we are celebrating the 35th Anniversary of our Heimat Choir, it is only proper to look back and record some of the history. I went back through the Choir documents for the past 35 years; it will not be easy to tell in a short talk of the many important periods of our existence. As with any group of people the Choir's history consists of diver's personalities which have shaped the destiny of our Heimat Choir.
Group Leader and served the choir from the end of March 1979 until mid-April 1983.

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