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Muitos julgam tudo que faço

Muitos julgam tudo que faço

album : Planos Perdidos

performing artist : Arman-G Beats Writer

genre: Hip-Hop

song language: Portuguese
composer: Armando Ananias Chemane
lyricist: Arman-G Beats Writer
label: Arman-G Studio Records Inc.
mastering by: Arman-G Beats Writer
arrangement by: Arman-G Beats Writer
upload or release date: June, 2017
upload your song: mp3, 4.5MB,

Total Times Played: 1

upload your song: mp3, 4.5MB,

Song Rating:
Total Times Rated: 2 Average Rating: 5

Lyric Rating:
Total Times Rated: 1 Average Rating: 5

Composition Rating:
Total Times Rated: 1 Average Rating: 5

Hit Potential Rating:
Total Times Rated: 1 Average Rating: 5


download - Muitos julgam tudo que faço

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Lifestyle song


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Arman-G Beats Writer
About Arman-G Beats Writer

Armando Ananias Chemane, populary known as Arman-G Beats Writer, is a Mozambican Rapper, Songwriter, Hip Hop Music Producer and beats maker. Born on (October 26, 1989) from Xai-Xai, Gaza, Mozambique, recently living at South Africa by mission of work.
Founder and head producer of Arman-G Studio Records Inc.

Son of Ananias Chemane and Alina Rafael Machava.
He was born with a dream of being a great figure in music, but due to the geographical location of his area, with little musical influence, it took him a long time to develop his dream.
He was born in a small communal village called Muzingane/Matchelene, a town administered by city of Xai-Xai.

Band Beloging:
Zero da Função

Official Recording Label:
Arman-G Studio Records Inc.

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