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Ich mag mich so wie ich bin

Ich mag mich so wie ich bin

album : Ich mag mich sie wie ich bin

Performing Artist : Gaby Baginsky

genre: Pop-Schlager

Song Language: German
Composer: Norbert Beyerl
lyricist: Elke Singer
distributing label: Daxhill
Mastering performed by: Norbert Beyerl
arrangement by: Norbert Beyerl
Upload or Release date: January, 2019
audio file information: mp3, 6MB, 00:03:15

Total Plays: 56

Song Rating:
Total Times Rated: 1 Average Rating: 5

Lyric Rating:
Total Times Rated: Average Rating:

Composition Rating:
Total Times Rated: Average Rating:

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Total Times Rated: Average Rating:

short song story:

Jeder sollte mehr Selbstbewusstsein zeigen udn denken " Ich mag mich so wie ich bin "


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