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Ceart Go Leor

user image 2022-04-29
Posted By: Marko Van dango
Posted in: New music
Ceart Go Leor

Finally completed the 'son' of 'Tickety Boo.' An Irish version that stands alone in it's own right. This song was written in response to a suggestion made by Ryan Tubridy on RTE Radio in Ireland. I had sent Tickety Boo to the Irish Eurovision team to see if they wanted to use it, with obvious modifications, since the song is typically British. The Irish Eurovision team had already chosen their candidate but sent my song onto Ryan. He interviewed me on his show and suggested doing an Irish version and that instead of Tickety Boo, he said that in Ireland they would use Ceart Go Leor (Kart Go Lore- phonetically). I eventually wrote some more lyrics suited to an Irish audience and found an amazing talent online in the form of Neil Fitzgibbon and he composed and arranged the music with an Irish feel, but sticking to the original structure / format. The result was an amazing job done by Neil, Ciaran (the vocalist) and others. I'm really happy with the result. I have also been working on another song if I'm able to get it complete. Watch this space. 


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Marko Van Dango
About Marko Van Dango

Ordinary guy just trying to make a living and if I bring joy to people then that's a bonus. Native of the UK, we have a beautiful country with so much diversity in scenery and accents and I have been privileged to see some of it but still many parts to explore. Grown up with an appreciation for music of many genres and as we age so do our tastes change and viewpoints. There are many talented songwriters and singers and whilst most of my music tastes are of years gone by I still appreciate the quality of the modern day music. The same is true of Art, there are so many styles and mediums and I used to enjoy visiting a local Art Gallery and like music it is what appeals to us that we value and it can give us a greater appreciation for the variety that we can all enjoy.

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