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Album: So Much More
Artist: Renee McAlpin
Genre: Country
Language: Other
Lyricist: Not Provided
Label: Kross Kut Records
Release Date:
Mastering: Not Defined
Arrangement: Not Provided

Audio File Info: mp3, 2.7MB, 00:04:45

Total Times Played: 43

Song Rating

Total Times Rated: 7
Average Rating: 4.71

Lyric Rating

Total Times Rated: 0
Average Rating: 0

Composition Rating

Total Times Rated: 0
Average Rating: 0

Hit Potential Rating

Total Times Rated: 0
Average Rating: 0

Renee McAlpin
Chi siamo Renee McAlpin

Born and bred in Lismore, Northern NSW, Australia, has had an incredible start to 2017 doing 11+ shows as special guest artist in Tamworth and who has released her highly anticipated EP "So Much More" in 2017.

With the single "So Much More" reaching #41 on the iTune charts.

Shortly after Renee started singing a few well-known country songs at the local pub and was later discovered by Lyn Manning, a great friend to the family.

Lyn and her son Matthew helped Renee develop her

amazing voice further and Matthew played

guitar for her at many gigs.

Renee has performed at many talent quests and sung

at country music festivals and worked with amazing and

very talented musicians around NSW & QLD, meeting

hundreds of people and making many friends with the

audience and some of Australia’s great artists and a few

Americans too!!

• Col Finley

• Kerry Kennedy & Double Barrel

• Adam Kilpatrick

• Troy Cassar-Daley

• Adam Harvey

• Brooke McClymont

• Luke O'Shea

• John Stone

Just to name a few

She’s opened for Adam Brand and recently opened for Sara Storer on her latest “Silos” tour and also Amber Lawrence

Renee - has also been seen...

• Auditioning for Australian Idol 2005

• Busking on the streets of Tamworth,

•  Singing on the stages at the Gympie Muster

•  Won a full scholarship to be a part of a songwriter's workshop.

• Performing at a Meet ‘n’ Greet out at the Golden Guitars with two of

  Australia’s Greatest Country Artists.

• Performing on all of Kross Kut Records Showcases

• Performing at Mud, Bulls and Music Festival 2012

•  Tamworth Country Music Festival ABC Stage 2017

•  Mudgeeraba Show 2017

•  Finalist in the ICMA Awards at the Tamworth Country Music Festival 2018

You never know where you may see her next. Already in great demand and with her, EP "So Much More"  I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of Renee McAlpin.

If you would like to stay up to date with Gigs, or any other information - then please send an email to Email: rjcountry@gmail.com or on her music page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/reneemcalpinsmusic Website: www.reneemcalpin.com 

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