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Haydn Nelson Mass "Dona Nobis Pacem" / Andrew Wailes conducts the RMPC, RMPO, MUCS and ACU Choir

youtube category: Music
Duration: 00:02:01
Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra (RMPO) in concert with members of Melbourne University Choral Society (MUCS) and the Australian Catholic University (ACU) Choir, conducted by Andrew Wailes at Melbourne Town Hall, October 4, 2009. Excerpt from Haydn's Nelson Mass finale, Dona Nobis Pacem. This concert was the 26th Sir Bernard Heinze Memorial Concert and listed as one of the 8th Daniel Pearl World Music Days. High definition video excerpt. For more information visit or


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Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir
Chi siamo Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir

In 2014 the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic celebrates its 161st year of music-making in Melbourne, making it Australia’s oldest surviving cultural organisation and one of the oldest secular choirs in the world. Today, the 120-voice Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir continues  to present critically acclaimed performances to audiences in Melbourne. It is committed to the encouragement and fostering of young musicians, and is recognised by many as Melbourne’s premier symphonic choir. The RMP’s choristers are strictly auditioned, and are voluntary musicians who share a common love of choral music, and who give their time freely in the pursuit of musical excellence.

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