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Vince Lovegrove Interview

youtube category: Music
Duration: 00:01:45
In 1998 I worked for TNT Magazine in London briefly with singer, band manager, music critic, author and HIV/AIDS pioneer Vince Lovegrove. At the time I was also doing a course in radio and decided to make a documentary on TNT Magazine. I have never broadcast the documentary before. Vince Lovegrove very kindly agreed to be interviewed by me.

He was a very down to earth, kind and friendly colleague. Here he talks about TNT Magazine's role in promoting Australian bands in the UK and his interview with Michael Hutchence which was to be his last before he was found dead in Sydney in 1997. Vince died in car crash in Byron Bay this week. I have decided to post his section of the documentary as a tribute to him.This is the first time this has ever been broadcast


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 Vince Lovegrove
Chi siamo Vince Lovegrove

He came to be a singer for Perth Pop Groups, The Dynells, The Dimensions and  The Winstons, while working as a sales assistant at Pellew's Menswear.

Around 1966, he formed The Valentines, as co-lead vocalist with Bon Scott to from rival band to The Spektors.

Various other original members were, Wyn Milson on lead guitar (Spektors), Ted Ward on rhythm guitar (Winstons), John Cooksey on bass guitar (Winstons) and also Warwick Findlay on drums (Ray Hoff as well as the Off Beats). In September 1970, The Valentines were the first Australian band detained for cannabis property, each member obtained a fine of $150 and also were placed on a great behaviour bond.

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