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MARRANDRO Dark/Light Emotions Songwriter Andrea Hager - Persönlicher Video Blog No 2 Wer sind diese Dämonenfreunde????

Hi, ich bin Andrea Hager, Songwriter von MARRANDRO music
Hier im Video Blog findet ihr meine ganz persönlichen Inhalte: Gefühle, Gedanken, Geheimnisse... zum lachen, weinen, nachdenken usw. Hintergrundinformationen zu den Dark/Light Emotions von MARRANDRO.   Wissenswertes? Unsinniges? Interessantes? - Laßt euch überraschen

Im Video Blog No 2 erfahrt ihr, wer die Dämonenfreunde sind.  Mein Song DEMON FRIENDS / DÄMONENFREUNDE. Schon der Titel stiftet Verwirrung – es sind keine echten Dämonen und keine wirklichen Freunde.

Es sind Alltags-Chaos-Emotions-Kobolde und in meinem Blog No 2 bekommt ihr die kleinen Kerlchen vorgestellt. Macht Bekanntschaft mit STACHLO, dem Aufstachler, dem ängstlichen PANICO und noch ein paar weiteren von meinen persönlichen DEMON FRIENDS.    

Sicher kennt jeder von euch den einen oder anderen der kleinen Qualgeister. Es gibt wirklich viele davon. Schaut doch mal rein und habt Spaß dabei. Ich würde mich freuen.


Musik in diesem Video: Marrandro: Demon Friends

Marrandro feat. Andrea: Dämonenfreunde:

Künstler: Marrandro

Musik: Michael Korn-Andersen und Andrea Hager

Text und Bilder: Andrea Hager

Download z. B. über: Amazon: Google Play: I-Tunes:

WOLF Records - Germany © 2019

MARRANDRO Dark/Light Emotions Songwriter Andrea Hager - persönlicher Video Blog Nr. 1 Masken

Hi, ich bin Andrea Hager, Songwriter von MARRANDRO music
Hier im Video Blog findet ihr meine ganz persönlichen Inhalte: Gefühle, Gedanken, Geheimnisse... zum lachen, weinen, nachdenken usw. Hintergrundinformationen zu den Dark/Light Emotions von MARRANDRO.   Wissenswertes? Unsinniges? Interessantes? - Laßt euch überraschen

Mein Video Blog No 1 handelt von Masken und vom MARRANDRO Song MASKIERT / BE MASKED. Ein derzeit sehr aktuelles Thema.

Als ich 2017 unseren Song

MASKIERT komponiert habe, hätte ich nicht im Traum daran gedacht, daß wir einmal wirklich echte Masken im Gesicht haben.

Meine Masken von damals unterscheiden sich schon sehr zu den heutigen. Schaut rein und seht selbst.

Musik in diesem Video: Maskiert:

Künstler: Marrandro feat. Andrea:

Musik: Michael Korn-Andersen und Andrea Hager

Text: Andrea Hager

Download z.B. über: Amazon:

I-Tunes: Google Play:…/a…/Marrandr ...

About FRC All Music

Posted By FRC All Music Admin, 2020-05-02
About FRC All Music

FRC All Music is a low-key music social networking platform designed to help musicians to collaborate and overcome geographic boundaries. FRC All Music allows musicians to make sessions public and solicit tracks and collaboration from other users with similar musical tastes. You can search for other users and invite them to a session, including Labels, Producers or Music Promotion Managers. You can also solicit help from influences, like Songwriters, Lyricists, Recording Engineers or Programmers.

Music Fans or Listeners will find new fresh artists and new albums Listeners can interact with Musicians and provide feedback and get first hand knowledge of new albums released. 

You will find FRC All Music is the place where the artists meets the fan and music industry. Artist can showcase their unique and new songs and get discovered. 

Membership to FRC All Music is open to anyone who is or wants to be within the entertainment industry. Membership includes music artists, bands, composers, songwriters, producers, labels, studios, fan-clubs and even venues. We have our own internet, radio stations which plays exclusively music from our members. Our dedicated shop divided into diverse departments, selling all sorts of goods related to Music. They also have sections for publicizing Events, Music and Artists.

FRC All Music offers Free Accounts in all Membership Categories. We also offer paid Pro Accounts in all Membership Categories which makes available Professional Features like customisable URL, increased number of song uploads, ability to sell your music direct to your fans. All Proceeds go direct to you via Paypal.

FRC All Music is the home to artists,members of the music industry from around the world. We’re glad to have you as part of the FRC All Music Network Community and we want to make sure that you get the most out of the site.

There are many awesome features on our site that you can access with a membership. These features include:

The ability to Create an online profile and network with musicians from around the world via

  • Our private messaging system
  • Our unique Playlists features which allows you to listen to other artists’ music and chat with them via our chat in private or public chatrooms

We will help you to get your music heard including

  •  Features in the Site Radio, being a featured artist
  • inclusion in our online Internet Radio
Posted in: about | 0 comments
Tina Anders im Live Interview zu Gast bei Bernd "Berni" Krause / ( VORSCHAU )

Unsere Künstlerin Tina Anders wird durch Corona ebenso ausgebremst wie wir alle. Dennoch legt sie nicht ihre Hände in den Schoß und wartet einfach ab. S I E ist kreativ : neben weiterem texten und den Arbeiten an weiteren Song sowie auch an den Vorbereitungen zum ganz neuen Schlager ( der wirklich unmittelbar vor der VÖ steht ) sorgt sie mit Hilfe ihres FanClub`s und MEO - der PR Agentur sowie mit der Hilfe von Peter Lagarde (pluxx7ClubRadio ) dafür, das sie stets in aller Munde bleibt.

Ein weiteres Kreativ - Ergebnis ist das Live Interview bei, das von Bernd "Berni" Krause geführt wird.

Aus eigener Erfahrung kann ich Euch mit an die Hand geben : schaltet Euch nicht nur zu sondern seid auch Gast in dem haueigenen Chat von Ich kenne dieses Radio und ihre Betreiber seit sehr vielen Jahren persönlich und kann es Euch nur wärmstens ans Herz legen

Begleiten wir Tina Anders virtuell am 28.04.2020 von 20 - 22 Uhr, wenn sie uns im Live Interview durch Bernd "Berni" Krause Rede und Antwort steht

Posted in: Promotion | 0 comments
aus dem musikalischen Hintergrund vom heutigen Agenturchef by MEO

musikalische Rückblicke in eigener Sache :

Als Franz Lambert mit diesem Medley 1973 auftrat, wusste ich, damals erst 9 Jahre,... "das möchte ich auch mal können".
So wurde Franz Lambert gewissermaßen mein Mentor und ich durfte ihn viele Male u.a. auch in Halsenbach (dem damaligen Werk von WERSI) persönlich treffen; ( und sogar später mal an seiner "gläsernen Orgel" spielen, die damals in Halsenbach stand )

Was aus Franz musikalisch wurde, findet Ihr hier :
und wo meine musikalischen Wege mich noch hinführten, könnt Ihr ab dem 16.04.2020 unter folgenden Link nachlesen :
Dort unter der Rubrik "Blog / Biographie" werdet Ihr viel musikalisches von mir / über mich findet.

Bleibt gespannt - aber vor allem - bleibt gesund !!!
Mit den be s ten musikalischen Grüßen,

Euer   Andy Blech

A C H T U N G - - - - - I N F O

Posted By MEO, 2020-04-14


Geboren: 06.02.1953

Heimatort: Nuttlar

Wohnhaft: Bönen / NRW


Musik ist sein Leben. Bereits in sehr jungen Jahren fing alles an.

Mit nur 11 Jahren trat Werner Eickhoff  die  Nachfolge seines Vaters als Organist in der Kirche seines Heimatortes an.

Einige Jahre später folgte die Mitwirkung in Tanzbands als Instrumentalist.

Mit 20 Jahren gründete er ein sehr erfolgreiches Jugend-Fanfarenorchester, das er über 15 Jahre leitete.

Die Liebe zum Komponieren entdeckte er vor etwa 12 Jahren.


Seinen ersten Titel schrieb er für Jörg Bausch. Dann folgten Songs für Die Grubertaler - Kurt Elsasser - G.G. Anderson - Olaf der Flipper - Fernando Express -  Björn Landberg - Rudy Giovannini - Die Calimeros uvm.

Goldene Schallplatten gab es in der Zusammenarbeit mit den Grubertalern und Calimeros. Auch in den Radio-Hitparaden war er mit einigen Nummer 1 Titeln erfolgreich.


Zu den Textern, die mit ihm zusammenarbeiten, zählen u.a. erfolgreiche Autoren - wie Norbert Hammerschmidt, Sabina Reithofer und Tobias Reitz.

A C H T U N G - - - - - I N F O

Posted By MEO, 2020-04-14
A C H T U N G - - - - - I N F O

Seit dem 30.03.2020 ist die Agentur MEO unter der Führung von Andy Blech

bei dem Country Star und ehemaligen Les Humphries Singer Patrick Simons nun

auch im Bereich *Management* tätig

Patrick Simons  **The Ex-Les Humphries Singer** - trotz / t Corona

** ist er, der Ex- Les Humphries Singer Patrick Simons, trotz Gesundheitskrise immer ein Lächeln auf den Lippen **;

...und wisst Ihr was, Recht hat er; den Anweisungen Beachtung schenken; aufmerksam befolgen bedeutet nicht den Kopf in den Sand zu stecken;

wir müssen gerade nur unser Leben wieder auf Re - Start stellen und manches neu koordinieren.

Bleibt wohlauf !!!

Posted in: 08.4.2020 | 0 comments

A C H T U N G - - - - - I N F O

Posted By MEO, 2020-04-11
A C H T U N G - - - - - I N F O

** I N F O **

Liebe Freunde; Musikfreunde und Bekannte.
Die Party zum 20 - jährigen Bestehen der "Künstlerbetreuung Andy Blech"​ wird vom 05.09.2020 auf den 01.05.2021 verschoben.
Wir möchten Euch alle (!!!) wohlbehalten wiedersehen und nicht nur ein "paar" Coronafreie   .
In der Zwischenzeit sind wir in all unseren Tätigkeitsbereichen für Euch persönlich da

# zamirazander   # peterlagarde   # ilonabaule   # meodiepragenur  

The Happiness Hypothesis

Posted By markrangl, 2020-04-10

The notion of happiness is obviously one of the most disputable and subjective. People’s minds are very different, and a number of factors throughout history made different people in the same condition feel contradictory feelings. Therefore, the issue of happiness was questioned by a number of philosophers throughout time. The value of Jonathan Haidt’s book The Happiness Hypothesis is that he considers the definition of happiness from numerous perspectives. Hence, he provides a complex view on the happiness definition and gives one the fullest understanding of the meaning of human virtues, happiness, and other crucial life notions.

In his book, Haidt considered the truths of Jesus, Budda, Plato and other great people of the past to find out the essence of human happiness. In the first chapter, the author refers to several main truths. The two major of them are that the human essence is divided into the mind and body, and that the mind itself is divided into the controlled and automatic parts. According to the first truth, is it obvious that there is the material and ideal parts of the human being. What is important, the mind is much more important and autonomous. In fact, it manages the actions that are done by the material body. Hence, the mind is controlling. This ancient truth can be observed not only from the story about the rider and elephant mentioned by Haidt, but also in all religions and philosophies in the world.

The mind and body have to co-exist harmoniously. Hence, there are the automatic and controlling processes that take place in human minds. In fact, this truth shows that there are more and less essential tasks for a person. Hence, some of them can be performed automatically without the necessity to analyze them consciously each time they are performed. Nevertheless, the perception of tasks as more or less important is closely interconnected with personal human qualities and memory called “hippocampus”. The conflict of the minds’ parts can happen if fears appear of the automatic part is not totally controlled. From my experience, I can point out being nervous or having previous negative experiences that have remained in memory as those that contribute to the conflict between the mind parts and lead to irrational deeds. In the same way, biases and threats can be perceived by both parts of the brain that are defined as a rider and elephant in a different way.This was figuread out with the help of the following guideline In fact, the author proves unification of the two parts and importance of choosing the reasonable and controlled approach as one that can leave the unreasonable threats behind. Instead letting the automatic emotional reactions rule is inappropriate.

Society plays a crucial role in human lives. Hence, cooperation and communication cannot be left apart when making rational decisions. Reciprocity puts emphasis on mutual influence of human actions. Consequently, the Golden Rule is defined as the secret of success. In addition, Cialdini's “six weapons of influence” are also useful as the evidence of how people can manipulate one another to tackle different issues. I do not remember I have been taken advantage of or manipulated. However, from my personal experience, I can say that choices and actions towards others are usually followed by the similar response. For instance, if I help my neighbor, he helps me in return. At the same time, if some mate took advantage of a friend, the negative experience will be returned to him.

Another truth is that all people are by nature hypocrites. According to the research, people commonly judge selves quite leniently. The researcher stated that people create the positive self-image to be more motivated an emotionally stable. One cannot easily accept his or her possible immorality due to the fact that biased perception of personal deeds is caused by the evolutionary development and instinctive choices. Such biased perception can have positive and negative consequences. However, to avoid common mistakes, it is necessary to analyze the situation from a different perspective, remain to each person. For instance, in case of the conflict, it is necessary to put self on the place of the interlocutor and assume what personal decisions in such case would be made.

In any case, happiness comes from within. Many people can erroneously belief that some things can make them happy. However, the truth is that their attitude to things makes them happy. A good example is the role of emotions in the human life. If one would be in a good mood, communication with friends will make him/her happy. However, in case, a person is in a bad mood, staying lonely and listening to the nature sounds can become the most desirable thing. The inner state of a person predetermines happiness, but the outer factors contribute to it. For instance, I am the most happy when I travel with good friends to the new and interesting places, get new experiences and communicate.

However, society contributes considerably to defining the things that can alter happiness. The existing norms have made money as an essential mean to get something to make people happy. Be it travelling or spending interesting time with friends or family, learning new things or feeling prestigious or valued due to having bought the last version of smartphone, the society is important to make a person happy. Apart from the means to provide happiness, it offers the beliefs of what happiness means since the earliest childhood. Moreover, love and attachment are the essential contributors to happiness that comes from the outer world. Finally, stresses create the negative outer influences that are obstacles for happiness.

Passionate love and true love are the notions that can make one happy. Haidt (2006) refers to these two notions to understand in what way it happens and whether such types of love are real or a myth. In fact, he concludes that love that is based on the biological passion is not real. However, it can be perceived by human brains as strong due to the dopamine release into brain. Hence, the passionate love to a drug that can be estimated as an unnatural mead to get happiness and satisfaction. Instead, companionate love is a different process. It has little in common with the passionate love and can be never-ending. Hence, only the long-lasting love that is the background for marriages and happy families’ creation can be considered as the true love. In fact, even though the passionate love can seem to provide stronger feelings, they are not long-lasting and cannot provide the inner balance to a person. As for the companionate love, it offers much more possibilities to remain happy and avoid inner conflicts.

However, some people would disagree with this. In many cases, the values differ. For some people, freedom can be the major aim of life, the others strive to leave something valuable on the earth. With regard to Haidt’s ideas, values can differ, culture can differ, hence, not all people manage to apply the ancient truths to their life and analyze selves (Haidt, 2006). To my mind, inability to find the life purpose is caused by numerous outer obstacles and tendency to accept the others’ ideas. In fact, it is necessary to perceive and analyze the ideas and information critically. Each person is aimed to be happy. However, happiness is subjective. This is why the life meaning can be realized as soon as the subjective meaning of happiness is understood.

The book presents a number of interesting ideas. Practically, all of them can be used in life with regard to personal peculiarities. The ideas of the ancient reflect wise lessons that can help people find the inner balance and happiness more quickly. To my mind, understanding of the conflict between the mind parts is essential for application in the real life for the ability to see the world more clearly and without the biased worries. Moreover, focusing on the rational side of the problem is crucial to make the effective decisions. Even though avoiding emotions is practically impossible, it is necessary to try to remain as sensible as possible.

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