album : Bittersweet
performing artist : Brigette Garces
genre: Pop
song language: English
composer: Munya Svosve
lyricist: Warren Beck, Munya Svosve
label: Beck Recording Corporation
mastering by: Warren Beck
arrangement by: Warren Beck
upload or release date: January, 2020
upload your song: mp3, 10.5MB, 00:04:36
Total Times Played: 338
upload your song: mp3, 10.5MB, 00:04:36
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download - Bittersweet
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About Warren Beck
Hi, I'm Warren Beck , a young guitarist, songwriter, and producer from Perth, Australia. I've been playing guitar since I was 5, writing music since I was 13, and recording since I was 14! I'm almost always writing new music, so I hope you have a listen and like what you hear!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit my page - I appreciate you!
P.S. If you have time you can check out my links here:
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